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Tik-Tok of Oz by L. Frank (Lyman Frank) Baum
page 12 of 265 (04%)

"Four, so far," replied Ann.

"And how big will the army be?" was his next

"I intend to make every one of the eighteen
men in Oogaboo join it," she said.

"Then four Generals are enough," announced
Jo Clock. "I advise you to make the rest of them

Ann tried to follow his advice. The next four
men she visited--who were Jo Plum, Jo Egg, Jo
Banjo and Jo Cheese, named after the trees in
their orchards--she made Colonels of her Army; but
the fifth one, Jo Nails, said Colonels and
Generals were getting to be altogether too common
in the Army of Oogaboo and he preferred to be a
Major. So Jo Nails, Jo Cake, Jo Ham and Jo
Stockings were all four made Majors, while the
next four--Jo Sandwich, Jo Padlocks, Jo Sundae and
Jo Buttons--were appointed Captains of the Army.

But now Queen Ann was in a quandary. There
remained but two other men in all Oogaboo,
and if she made these two Lieutenants, while
there were four Captains, four Majors, four
Colonels and four Generals, there was likely to
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