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Tik-Tok of Oz by L. Frank (Lyman Frank) Baum
page 14 of 265 (05%)
stories were fine reading and the spelling and
grammar excellent.

Files freely gave his books to all who wanted
them, but the people of Oogaboo cared little for
books and so he had to read most of them himself,
before they spoiled. For, as you probably know, as
soon as the books were read the words disappeared
and the leaves withered and faded--which is the
worst fault of all books which grow upon trees.

When Queen Ann spoke to this young man Files,
who was both intelligent and ambitious, he said he
thought it would be great fun to conquer the
world. But he called her attention to the fact
that he was far superior to the other men of her
army. Therefore, he would not be one of her
Generals or Colonels or Majors or Captains, but
claimed the honor of being sole Private.

Ann did not like this idea at all.

"I hate to have a Private Soldier in my army,"
she said; "they're so common. I am told that
Princess Ozma once had a private soldier, but
she made him her Captain-General, which is
good evidence that the private was unnecessary."

"Ozma's army doesn't fight," returned Files;
"but your army must fight like fury in order to
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