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Tik-Tok of Oz by L. Frank (Lyman Frank) Baum
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conquer the world. I have read in my books that it
is always the private soldiers who do the
fighting, for no officer is ever brave enough to
face the foe. Also, it stands to reason that your
officers must have some one to command and to
issue their orders to; therefore I'll be the one.
I long to slash and slay the enemy and become a
hero. Then, when we return to Oogaboo, I'll take
all the marbles away from the children and melt
them up and make a marble statue of myself for all
to look upon and admire."

Ann was much pleased with Private Files. He
seemed indeed to be such a warrior as she needed
in her enterprise, and her hopes of success took
a sudden bound when Files told her he knew
where a gun-tree grew and would go there at
once and pick the ripest and biggest musket the
tree bore.

Chapter Two

Out of Oogaboo

Three days later the Grand Army of Oogaboo
assembled in the square in front of the royal
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