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Tik-Tok of Oz by L. Frank (Lyman Frank) Baum
page 24 of 265 (09%)
declared Files.

"I cannot see how that would help us," wailed
Colonel Banjo. "A hamburger steak is a hamburger
steak, whether it is alive or not!"

"I tell you, this may not be a Rak," persisted
Files. "We will know, when the cloud gets nearer,
whether it is the breath of a Rak or not. If it
has no smell at all, it is probably a fog; but if
it has an odor of salt and pepper, it is a Rak and
we must prepare for a desperate fight."

They all eyed the dark cloud fearfully. Before
long it reached the frightened group and began
to envelop them. Every nose sniffed the cloud--
and every one detected in it the odor of salt and

"The Rak!" shouted Private Files, and with a
howl of despair the sixteen officers fell to the
ground, writhing and moaning in anguish.
Queen Ann sat down upon a rock and faced the
cloud more bravely, although her heart was beating
fast. As for Files, he calmly loaded his gun
and stood ready to fight the foe, as a soldier

They were now in absolute darkness, for the
cloud which covered the sky and the setting sun
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