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Tik-Tok of Oz by L. Frank (Lyman Frank) Baum
page 25 of 265 (09%)
was black as ink. Then through the gloom appeared
two round, glowing balls of red, and Files at once
decided these must be the monster's eyes.

He raised his gun, took aim and fired.

There were several bullets in the gun, all
gathered from an excellent bullet-tree in Oogaboo,
and they were big and hard. They flew toward the
monster and struck it, and with a wild, weird cry
the Rak came fluttering down and its huge body
fell plump upon the forms of the sixteen officers,
who thereupon screamed louder than before.

"Badness me!" moaned the Rak. "See what
you've done with that dangerous gun of yours!"

"I can't see," replied Files, "for the cloud
formed by your breath darkens my sight!"

"Don't tell me it was an accident," continued
the Rak, reproachfully, as it still flapped its
wings in a helpless manner. "Don't claim you
didn't know the gun was loaded, I beg of you!"

"I don't intend to," replied Files. "Did the
bullets hurt you very badly?"

"One has broken my jaw, so that I can't open
my mouth. You will notice that my voice sounds
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