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Tik-Tok of Oz by L. Frank (Lyman Frank) Baum
page 26 of 265 (09%)
rather harsh and husky, because I have to talk
with my teeth set close together. Another bullet
broke my left wing, so that I can't fly; and still
another broke my right leg, so that I can't walk.
It was the most careless shot I ever heard of!"

"Can't you manage to lift your body off from
my commanding officers?" inquired Files. "From
their cries I'm afraid your great weight is
crushing them."

"I hope it is," growled the Rak. "I want to
crush them, if possible, for I have a bad
disposition. If only I could open my mouth, I'd
eat all of you, although my appetite is poorly
this warm weather."

With this the Rak began to roll its immense
body sidewise, so as to crush the officers more
easily; but in doing this it rolled completely off
from them and the entire sixteen scrambled to
their feet and made off as fast as they could run.

Private Files could not see them go but he
knew from the sound of their voices that they had
escaped, so he ceased to worry about them.

"Pardon me if I now bid you good-bye," he
said to the Rak. "The parting is caused by our
desire to continue our journey. If you die, do
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