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Tik-Tok of Oz by L. Frank (Lyman Frank) Baum
page 27 of 265 (10%)
not blame me, for I was obliged to shoot you
as a matter of self-protection."

"I shall not die," answered the monster, "for I
bear a charmed life. But I beg you not to leave

"Why not?" asked Files.

"Because my broken jaw will heal in about an
hour, and then I shall be able to eat you. My wing
will heal in a day and my leg will heal in a week,
when I shall be as well as ever. Having shot me,
and so caused me all this annoyance, it is only
fair and just that you remain here and allow me to
eat you as soon as I can open my jaws."

"I beg to differ with you," returned the soldier
firmly. "I have made an engagement with Queen
Ann of Oogaboo to help her conquer the world,
and I cannot break my word for the sake of being
eaten by a Rak."

"Oh; that's different," said the monster. "If
you've an engagement, don't let me detain you."

So Files felt around in the dark and grasped
the hand of the trembling Queen, whom he led
away from the flapping, sighing Rak. They
stumbled over the stones for a way but presently
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