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Tik-Tok of Oz by L. Frank (Lyman Frank) Baum
page 28 of 265 (10%)
began to see dimly the path ahead of them, as
they got farther and farther away from the
dreadful spot where the wounded monster lay.
By and by they reached a little hill and could
see the last rays of the sun flooding a pretty
valley beyond, for now they had passed beyond
the cloudy breath of the Rak. Here were huddled
the sixteen officers, still frightened and panting
from their run. They had halted only because
it was impossible for them to run any farther.

Queen Ann gave them a severe scolding for
their cowardice, at the same time praising Files
for his courage.

"We are wiser than he, however," muttered
General Clock, "for by running away we are
now able to assist Your Majesty in conquering
the world; whereas, had Files been eaten by the
Rak, he would have deserted your Army."

After a brief rest they descended into the
valley, and as soon as they were out of sight of
the Rak the spirits of the entire party rose
quickly. Just at dusk they came to a brook, on
the banks of which Queen Ann commanded
them to make camp for the night.

Each officer carried in his pocket a tiny white
tent. This, when placed upon the ground, quickly
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