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Tik-Tok of Oz by L. Frank (Lyman Frank) Baum
page 7 of 265 (02%)
are very foolish to leave this place."

"Why?" asked Ann.

"Because in the Land of Oz, which is Ozma's
country, you will be a nobody, while here you
are a Queen."

"Oh, yes! Queen over eighteen men, twenty-seven
women and forty-four children!" returned Ann

"Well, there are certainly more people than that
in the great Land of Oz," laughed Salye. "Why
don't you raise an army and conquer them, and be
Queen of all Oz?" she asked, trying to taunt Ann
and so to anger her. Then she made a face at her
sister and went into the back yard to swing in the

Her jeering words, however, had given Queen Ann
an idea. She reflected that Oz was reported to be
a peaceful country and Ozma a mere girl who ruled
with gentleness to all and was obeyed because her
people loved her. Even in Oogaboo the story was
told that Ozma's sole army consisted of twenty-
seven fine officers, who wore beautiful uniforms
but carried no weapons, because there was no one
to fight. Once there had been a private soldier,
besides the officers, but Ozma had made him a
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