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Tik-Tok of Oz by L. Frank (Lyman Frank) Baum
page 8 of 265 (03%)
Captain-General and taken away his gun for fear it
might accidentally hurt some one.

The more Ann thought about the matter the more
she was convinced it would be easy to conquer the
Land of Oz and set herself up as Ruler in Ozma's
place, if she but had an Army to do it with.
Afterward she could go out into the world and
conquer other lands, and then perhaps she could
find a way to the moon, and conquer that. She had
a warlike spirit that preferred trouble to

It all depended on an Army, Ann decided. She
carefully counted in her mind all the men of her
kingdom. Yes; there were exactly eighteen of them,
all told. That would not make a very big Army, but
by surprising Ozma's unarmed officers her men
might easily subdue them. "Gentle people are
always afraid of those that bluster," Ann told
herself. "I don't wish to shed any blood, for that
would shock my nerves and I might faint; but if we
threaten and flash our weapons I am sure the
people of Oz will fall upon their knees before me
and surrender."

This argument, which she repeated to herself
more than once, finally determined the Queen of
Oogaboo to undertake the audacious venture.

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