An Explanation of Luther's Small Catechism by Joseph Stump
page 65 of 222 (29%)
page 65 of 222 (29%)
good: for his mercy endureth forever.
READING.--Balaam, Numb. 22; Herod's Oath, Matt. 14:1-12; Saul and the Witch at Endor, I Sam. 28. ILLUSTRATIONS.--_Cursing_: Job 3:1-7. Shimei, II Sam. 16:5-14. _Swearing_: Herod; Peter, Matt. 26:89-75. _Conjuring_: Saul at Endor; Bar-jesus, Acts 13:1-12. _Lying and Deceiving_: The Pharisees, Matt. 23:13-38. _Calling on God's Name_: Jesus, Matt. 26:39-44; John 17: Jacob, Gen. 32:9-12; The First Christians, Acts 2:42. CHAPTER VII. THE THIRD COMMANDMENT. GOD'S DAY. Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy. _What is meant by this Commandment?_ We should so fear and love God as not to despise His Word and the preaching of the Gospel, but deem it holy and willingly hear and learn it. * * * * * |