An Explanation of Luther's Small Catechism by Joseph Stump
page 66 of 222 (29%)
page 66 of 222 (29%)
THE LORD'S DAY. Under the Old Testament the Israelites, by God's command, observed the seventh day of the week, Saturday, as the Sabbath or day of rest, because God rested from the work of Creation on the seventh day. [Gen. 2:2-3] For the Christians all days are holy. [Rom. 14:5, 6, Col. 2:16, Acts 2:46] But from the earliest times the Christian Church set apart Sunday as a special day of worship, [Acts 20:7, 1 Cor. 16:2] because it is the day on which Christ rose from the dead. The Sabbath of the Old Testament commemorated the completion of _Creation_; the Lord's Day of the New Testament commemorates the completion of _Redemption_. A HOLY DAY. The Lord's Day is to be kept _holy_ by devoting it to holy things. It is to be a day of rest in order that it may be a day of worship. Any unnecessary work or any recreation which hinders us from hearing and profiting by God's Word is sinful. I. WHAT IS FORBIDDEN. We are not TO DESPISE GOD'S WORD AND THE PREACHING OF THE GOSPEL, [Luke 10:16+] by 1. Making light of God's Word, or regarding and treating it as the word of man. 2. Neglecting to go to church, and pleading poor excuses for absence. [Heb. 10:25+] 3. Inattention and lack of devotion in church. [Eccl. 5:1+] |