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An Explanation of Luther's Small Catechism by Joseph Stump
page 78 of 222 (35%)
_Hatred_ is murder in the heart. "He that hateth his brother is a
murderer." [I John 3:15, Matt. 5:21, 22+, Eph. 4:31, 32+]

_Tempting Others_ to useless risks in which they may perish or be
injured, or to drunkenness, dissipation, etc. which will shorten their
life, is a transgression of this commandment.

_Causing Accidents_ by neglect, carelessness or bad workmanship, or

_Shortening Other People's Lives_ [Gen. 37:31-35] by maltreatment,
overwork, worriment, etc. makes men guilty of sin against this

_Neglect to Warn_ others of impending danger _or neglect to assist_ them
in need may result in their injury or death.

The law recognizes our right to defend our life when it is unjustly
assailed. But killing others in self-defense must he our last resort.
Many persons act hastily. The official who inflicts the death penalty on
condemned criminals is not guilty of wrong, but is doing his duty as an
officer of the State. [Rom 13:4]

It is a sin to kill our neighbor's _soul_ by tempting him to sin, or
enticing him to wrong-doing by our evil example.

We must not


Suicide is often prompted by despair, remorse, [Matt. 27:35] cowardice,
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