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An Explanation of Luther's Small Catechism by Joseph Stump
page 79 of 222 (35%)
recklessness, or insanity. But it is sinful as well as foolish and
cowardly. He who commits it robs himself of the opportunity to repent,
and leaves others to bear the burdens from which he shrank. If we are
tempted to despair, we should not commit suicide, but seek comfort and
strength in God's Word. If we have fallen into disgrace by sin, we
should repent and lead a better life.

_Duels_. We not only have no right to endanger another's life by a duel,
but we have no right to endanger our own. The duel, which was once a
common practice, has justly fallen under the condemnation of public

_A Life of Sin_. Impurity, drunkenness, gluttony, or dissipation will
shorten our life, and make us die before our allotted time.

_Disregard of the Laws of Health_, overwork, needless exposure,
carelessness, violent anger, needless worry, are all forbidden by this

The voluntary sacrifice of our life for truth and right (martyrdom), or
in defense of our country, or in an effort to rescue and save others, is
not only justifiable but noble. [I John 3:16]


We should ASSIST AND COMFORT OUR NEIGHBOR. [Gal. 6:10+, Luke 10:30-35,
Matt. 5:7+, Matt. 5:44+, Rom. 12:20, Matt. 22:39, Matt. 7:12+, Prov.

1. IN DANGER. We should Warn him of danger. Defend and rescue him. Ward
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