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Punchinello, Volume 1, No. 08, May 21, 1870 by Various
page 15 of 71 (21%)
Advantage will be taken of the duck-pond of Captain JEHOIAKIM BROWN,
which is situated in the course of the proposed canal. By leading the
Canal directly through this pond, at least a quarter of a mile of
excavation will be avoided. M. DE LESSEPS is known to have decided upon
making a similar use of the Bitter Lakes in the construction of his Suez
ditch, after having seen ELKANAH HOPKINS' plans for our great Cape Cod
Canal. Vessels will hereafter pass through this Canal instead of taking
the long voyage around the Cape; and it is believed that the _saving_
which will be effected in the transportation of cod-fish and garden-sass
by the consequent shortening of the voyage, will be something enormous.
There are those who believe that the Canal will yield a yearly revenue
of from eighty to ninety dollars in tolls alone. It is understood that
the European Governments have already proposed to the Mayors of Boston
and Barnstable to guarantee the neutrality of the Canal in case of war;
but it is not possible that the proposition will be acceded to.
Bostonians should have the exclusive control of this magnificent work,
and the Selectmen of several of our prominent towns have drawn up
petitions against the proposition of neutrality. The opening of the
Canal will be the most splendid pageant of modern times. Mrs. JULIA WARD
HOWE will recite an original poem on the occasion; Mr W. H. MURRAY will
preach a sermon; Mrs. STOWE will read a new paper on BYRON, and the
State authorities will proclaim a solemn day of fasting and festivity. A
procession of ten fishing-schooners, headed by a flat-boat, containing
the Mayors and Selectmen of all the Massachusetts towns, will pass
through the Canal. After this, literary exercises are ended; and the
following month will be devoted to the delivery of an oration by Hon.
CHARLES SUMNER, on "The Classical Ditches of Ancient Times, and their
Influence on the Cause of Truth and Freedom."

You, and the minor New-York papers, expect to devote most of your space
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