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Punchinello, Volume 1, No. 08, May 21, 1870 by Various
page 16 of 71 (22%)
to this wonderful undertaking. It is more important than any event which
has taken place since the election of Mr. SUMNER to the Senate. It is a
subject which will interest all your earnest readers, who will be
greatly obliged to me for calling your attention to it.


* * * * *


That must be a pernicious agitation of the circumambient atmosphere,
which conduces not to the benefit of any individual.

The common table utensil which is too frequently conveyed to the
fountain, to obtain the thirst-slaking beverage, will ultimately become

By devoting our attention chiefly to the smaller copper coin, the larger
denominations represented by paper currency will require no

Persons who inhabit residences composed of a brittle, transparent,
silicious material, should refrain from forcibly casting fragments of
granite, etc.

When the optic image of a given object is not projected upon the
_retina_ of the visual medium, that object fails to be desired by the
chief vital organ of the human anatomy.

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