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Punchinello, Volume 1, No. 08, May 21, 1870 by Various
page 17 of 71 (23%)
When the vigilant feline quadruped, frequently observed in the abodes of
man, is absent, the common domestic animal of the _genus mus_ may
indulge in various relaxations of an entertaining nature.

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Common Pleas.

Pleas of Temporary Insanity.

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A Standard Work.

J. RUSSEL YOUNG'S new paper.

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Drugs in the Market.

An English chemist has discovered a process by which wood of any kind
can be dyed a beautiful and permanent violet hue.

Should that chemist fail to succeed in his profession, he might
profitably turn his attention to writing for the stage, seeing that he
has a decided turn for Dye-a-Log.

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