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Punchinello, Volume 1, No. 08, May 21, 1870 by Various
page 19 of 71 (26%)
such mysterious words as these:

_Valderrama (a pirate chief.)_ "To-night we must--"

_Pierre (a comic pirate.)_ "We will, or--"

_Val., etc._ "You have your--?"

_Pierre._ "I have; and--"

_Both Together._ "S-s-s-s-h. Some one comes. Swear to--"

_Enter_ LYDIA THOMPSON, _clothed on with crinoline._ (_To various
pirates._) "Well! How's things? Are you still the--?"

_Various Pirates._ "We are; and if--"

_Enter_ BRENTANO, _the father of_ LYDIA. _He addresses her in tender
accents._ "Me cheyild, the hour is come. I must away. _(To Valderrama.)_
Shall we--?"

_Val., etc._ "We shall. Come, my friend, and--"

_They come. Scene changes to a lonely glen. Comic Pirate explains to_
LYDIA _the secret of her birth in terms which leave it more
unintelligible than ever. Various pirates conspire to murder_ BRENTANO.
_Scene again changes to_ BRENTANO'S _garden. Various pirates enter and
shoot the old man. Applause. Somebody sets the house on fire. Enter_
LYDIA _disguised in boy's clothes. She vows eternal fidelity to_
VALDERRAMA _The audience wildly welcome her familiar legs, and the
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