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Punchinello, Volume 1, No. 08, May 21, 1870 by Various
page 20 of 71 (28%)
curtain falls amid tempestuous applause and the frantic beating of the
fiendish drum._

_Rather Dull Old Gentleman._ "I can't make out what it's all about. Why
does she want to follow VALDERRAMA when she knows he has killed her

_Theatrical Person, who has seen the manuscript play._ "Don't you see?
She means to avenge herself by reading the _Nation_ to him, or by
singing Shoo-fly. She'll make his life a burden."

_Dull Old Gentleman._ "Oh! I see. But will she turn pirate, too?"

_Theatrical Person._ "By no means. There were no strong-minded women on
the Spanish main. The pirates were bad enough, but they didn't have all
the vices of the present day. She'll go to Paris with VALDERRAMA, and he
will take the title of MARQUIS of FONSECA, and live sumptuously on old
BRENTANO'S money. Just you wait and see."

_Curtain rises on second act, showing the Hotel Fonseca, at Paris.
Several French noblemen repeat ponderous witticisms to one another.
Enter Miss_ MARKHAM _with clothes on. She represents the icy_ DIANA DE

_Diana._ "Mon Doo! there is my lover LEON DE BEAULIEU. I won't have him,
for he ain't rich enough."

_Leon._ "Mademosel! I love you."

_Diana._ "Mosshure, what's your name? who are your parents? and what's
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