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Punchinello, Volume 1, No. 08, May 21, 1870 by Various
page 21 of 71 (29%)
your income?"

_Leon._ "Alas! I have none."

_Diana._ "Then leave. Ah! Good evening, Mosshure, the MARQUIS DE

_Fonseca (aside.)_ "LEON is the son of somebody, I forget who. Never
mind, I'll murder him and marry DIANA."

_Mosquito (in other words, Lydia Thompson in a dress that shows her
legs.)_ "I love LEON. I must save him. I will save him."

_Scene changes to an inn on the coast within a few yards of Paris.
Enter_ PIERRE _and other pirates. They conspire to murder_ LEON _and the
French language. Enter_ MOSQUITO _disguised as a serving maid. She
dances, sings, and overhears the plot. Enter_ LEON _in order to be
murdered. By a neat little stratagem_ MOSQUITO _contrives to have the
pirates shoot each other, and saves_ LEON. _Curtain falls, followed by
more maddening performances on the drum._

_Dull Old Gentleman._ "I begin to see into it a little; but who is LEON,
and why does FONSECA want to murder him?"

_Theatrical Person._ "Well, I can't just now remember. It is all cleared
up in the last scene, though. You see, MOSQUITO is the daughter of
BRENTANO, who was killed. She has another father who comes on later.
Somebody else is LEON'S father, and you see FONSECA is the brother--no,
the aunt of PIERRE--no, that's not it precisely--but you'll see."

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