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Punchinello, Volume 1, No. 08, May 21, 1870 by Various
page 27 of 71 (38%)
relations." The _Press Ass_ made this charge somebody or other with
"making tight the Colonel's relations." It was just like that fellow. I
only succeeded by chance in saving him from sending across some stuff
about the Cardinal Archbishop of CRANBERRY, instead of CHAMBERY. I got a
dispatch from, him quoting the _Virago_ of Paris--meaning the _Figaro_,
of course. And then that _Schema_; a Sphinx could not have made it more
of a puzzle, whether he meant that the bishops voted that the Pope
should be _deified_, or _defied_, or that the _de fide_ should pass by
their vote.

CYRUS W. FIELD has been here, in communication with AIRY, the astronomer
Royal, about a telegraph to the moon. A lunatic observation makes it wax
plain that it will not be in wane to attempt it. STOKES and HUGGINS,
moreover, have been taking views of people through the spectroscope.
_Absorption bands_ are very striking in the _spectra_ of the ROTHSCHILDS
and other bankers. _Bright lines_ are seen in TENNYSON and WILLIAM
MORRIS; _dark lines_ in SWINBURNE.

Gaseous substances are shown to exist in certain bodies and people; a
great deal of gas was discovered in VICTOR HUGO. Traces of iron are
visible in NAPOLEON III; and still more, at the last observations, n
BISMARCK. VICTOR EMMANUEL had more of the phosphorus; the Pope, of
sulphur; the PRINCE of WALES, of mercury; the editor of the _Times_, of
lead. GARIBALDI and MAZZINI have a carbon-ari appearance through the
instrument; with some look of nitrous incandescence, also. Laughing-gas
is evidently abundant in PUNCH.

The Lords of the Admiralty have observed that Mr. HALE has proposed in
Congress a 16 million bill for a new American navy. It will be at once
proposed to the House of Commons that 32 millions be spent in iron-clads
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