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Punchinello, Volume 1, No. 08, May 21, 1870 by Various
page 28 of 71 (39%)
here. And the Cabinet of the French Emperor have already prepared their
little bill, demanding of the _Corps Legislatif_ a sum of sixty-four
millions for monster ships. All this is, of course, encouraging. Mr.
HALE had better try again,

Of course you have heard of the great Fenian raid, which really is to
come off. You know there are immense amounts of vegetables and other
provender brought to London from the Continent every day. Now a large
number of sworn Fenians are to go to Holland and learn Dutch, so that
they can go over disguised as petty dealers in food, get to London armed
with revolvers, and carry off the Queen! As the Fenians always do
exactly what they promise to do, this may be relied upon as certain to
happen. It is said that the Queen is studying Dutch as an amusement;
which may be very convenient on the way; she can expostulate with them
better in Dutch than in Irish.

From GERMANY, we learn that JANAUSCHEK is coming to London to play in
English. Also that a ballet corps is coming over to dance in Spanish,
and an opera troupe, to sing phonographically, in Hindoostanee. A new
opera, by BALFE, is spoken of; subject, the Tower of Babel. This was
suggested by the Ecumenical Council; where some body must have been

A World's Congress of Croquet Players will be held next month at Baden.
They will not hold their debates in Latin. Among the points discussed
will be, whether it is allowable to pop the question on the croquet
ground. Old maids are quoted as thinking that it distracts the game.
Younger ones would consider it allowable in certain cases.

What people some travelling Americans are! There is one _nouveau riche_
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