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Punchinello, Volume 1, No. 08, May 21, 1870 by Various
page 41 of 71 (57%)
almost every body's pie, the future FULTONS and GOODYEARS would starve
to death before the completion of their diabolical devices.

Some land-grabs were rushed through, when Mr. SAULSBURY objected. He
said nobody made any thing out of this except the Western Senators. He
called upon the men of the Eastern States to stand up for their share.
He had a little game in the interest of his own constituents. It was no
chimerical railway. It was a good, substantial, practical concern. He
demanded six million acres in behalf of the Delaware Balloon Navigation
Company. If this demand were not complied with, it would show that the
Senate were actuated by the basest personal motives.


The gentle JULIAN insisted upon proposing his sixteenth or seventeenth
amendment. He said that he understood several women intended to vote,
and he introduced this to preserve his domestic peace.

Mr. JENCKES, for the forty-fifth time, called up his Civil Service bill.

Mr. BUTLER, for the thirty-seventh time, introduced a bill to annex San

Mr. KELLEY and Mr. SCHENCK raved a neat but not new duett, "Give us
Tariff or give us Death."

Mr. LOGAN gave a fine rendering of his famous bass solo, "The Tariff be

Mr. SCHENCK intimated that Mr. LOGAN was an insect. At first he said he
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