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Punchinello, Volume 1, No. 08, May 21, 1870 by Various
page 46 of 71 (64%)
species of reptiles (unlike the "paragon of animals,") is never too
drunk to navigate.

Mankind is deeply indebted to the Bull-Frog. We should never have known
how to keep our heads above water but for their example, and, though Mr.
CHASE may not be aware of the fact, their greenbacks were the first that
ever issued from the Banks of America. Naturally, therefore, they are in
advance of SALMON, and, long before he put our currency on its present
footing, the hinder limb of a bull-frog was a legal tender.

The frog exists in most parts of the world, and at one time all the
varieties of the species were Plaguily abundant in Egypt. They were
introduced there to punish the people for their rascality, and appeared
in such numbers among the Egyptian blacklegs that they stopped the game
of PHARAOH. There is nothing poetic in the aspect of the frog. It is
simply a tenaqueous bag of wind, yet it has occasionally given an
impulse to the divine _afflatus_. We have it on the authority of the
celebrated traveller Count SMORLTORK that the distinguished Mrs. LEO
HUNTER, once wrote an "Ode to a Perspiring Frog."

The costume of a Bull-Frog consists of a green coat with yellow vest and
brownish breeches, and when he requires a change of uniform, he pulls
off the old one and swallows it. This fact has been doubted; but why
should It be deemed incredible? Are there not parallel cases in the
human family? GOLDSMITH tells us that he once lived for a fortnight on
his coat and waistcoat; and every pawnbroker knows that a cast-off suit
often furnishes the material for a family dinner. Why should not a frog
sustain life with his Pants as well as a Christian?

Common brown frogs are good baits for FISH in most of the counties in
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