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Punchinello, Volume 1, No. 08, May 21, 1870 by Various
page 47 of 71 (66%)
this State; but when you go to HAMILTON try the greenbacks.

The unlicked cubs of the batrachian family are known (irrespective of
sex) as Pollywogs, and are the meanest of all the reptile race except
the radical Scaliwags. They are all heads and tails, and then, not the
toss of a copper to choose between the two ends, as regards hideousness.
The manner in which the tails are gradually developed into legs is very
curious, but, as this is not a Caudal lecture, it is unnecessary to
describe the process.

It has been metrically stated that the fast young batrachian goes a
wooing in an Opera hat, irrespective of his mother's consent, but this
assertion is not borne out by BUFFON or CUVIER, and maybe set down as a
_lapsus lyrea_. Upon the whole the Bull-Frog, though harmless as a lamb,
is nearly as stupid as a donkey, which accounts for his taking up his
abode among Morasses, when he might dwell in the woods with the turtle
and "feel like a bird." Furthermore, and finally, the subject is a
slippery one and difficult to handle, and, therefore, with this remark
we drop it.

* * * * *

A Clerical Error.

A PRESBYTERIAN clergyman, the Rev. CHARLES B. SMYTHE, has been
scandalizing a community in New-Jersey by putting gin in his milk, and
that on a Sunday afternoon. From the rebuke administered to Rev. SMYTHE
by the authorities of his church, it appears that his case must have
been a very aggravated one. They admonished him to "walk more correctly
in future;" the inference to be drawn from which is that the amount of
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