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The Dramatic Values in Plautus by William Wallace Blancke
page 51 of 104 (49%)

LES. (_Calls out as he is being shoved away._) Tell him to see what has to
be done about the dowry.

ST. Clear out!

LES. (_Raising his voice._) For I'm determined not to marry her off
without a dowry.

ST. Won't you clear out?

LES. (_Still louder._) And I won't let her suffer harm by reason.----

ST. Get out, I say!

LES. (_Shouts._)--of my carelessness.

ST. Clear out!

LES. It seems right that my own sins--

ST. Clear out!

LES.--should affect me alone.

ST. Clear out!

LES. (_Mock heroically._) Oh father, shall I ever behold you again?

ST. Out, out, out! (_With a final shove._) (_Exit Lesbonicus._) At last, I
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