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Illustration Of The Method Of Recording Indian Languages - From the First Annual Report of the Bureau of Ethnology, Smithsonian Institution by Albert Samuel Gatschet;James Owen Dorsey;Stephen Return Riggs
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a ʞídaxe | ctĕwaⁿ'|níkaciⁿga|wíⁿ'| aⁿ'aqai |a¢aí te aⁿ'.|[K]aⁿhá,|u ʞíaⁿ¢e
I make |in spite| person |one | getting |he has gone.|Grand- | snare
for myself of it ahead of me mother

dáxe| tá |minke,|kĭ |b¢íze | tá |miñke|hă.|Átaⁿ| jaⁿ'|tadaⁿ',|á-biamá
I |will|I who,|and|I take|will|I who| . | Why| you |should?| said,
make| him do it they say

wa`újiñga|aka.|Níaciⁿga| i¢át'ab¢é|hă,|á-biamá.| Kĭ|mactciñ'ge|a¢á- 9
old woman|the | Person |I hate him| . | said, |And| rabbit |went
sub. they say.

biamá.| A¢á-bi | ʞĭ | cĭ |síg¢e| ¢étéamá.|[K]ĭ| haⁿ'| tĕ| i¢ápe |jaⁿ'-biamá.
they |Went they|when|again|trail|had gone.| And|night|the|waiting|lay they
say. say for say.

Man'dĕ-ʞaⁿ|¢aⁿ|ukínacke|gaxá-biamá,| kĭ|síg¢e| ¢é-hnaⁿ | tĕ| ĕ'di|i¢aⁿ'¢a-
bow string|the| noose |he made it |and|trail| went |the|there|he put it
ob. they say, habitually

biamá.| Égi¢e |haⁿ'+egaⁿ-tcĕ'-qtci|u ʞíaⁿ¢e|¢aⁿ|giʇaⁿ'be|ahí-biamá.| Égi¢e 12
they |It came| morning very| snare |the| to see | arrived |It came
say. to pass ob. his own they say. to pass

miⁿ'| ¢aⁿ |¢izé | akáma. |Taⁿ'¢iⁿ-qtci|u¢á | ag¢á-biamá. |[K]aⁿhá|ĭndádaⁿ
sun|the cv.|taken| he had,|Running very| to |went homeward,| Grand-| what
ob. they say. tell they say. mother.

éiⁿte| b¢íze|édegaⁿ| aⁿ'baaze-hnaⁿ' |hă,| á-biamá.|[K]aⁿhá,|man'de- ʞaⁿ|¢aⁿ
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