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361 books found

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Author Title Pages
Esaias Tegner Fritiofs Saga 305
Anthony Hope Frivolous Cupid 140
W. E. Sellers From Aldershot to Pretoria - A Story of Christian Work among Our Troops in South Africa 196
William M. (William Makepeace) Thayer From Boyhood to Manhood - Life of Benjamin Franklin 486
Horatio Alger From Canal Boy to President - Or the Boyhood and Manhood of James A. Garfield 236
G. W. Steevens From Capetown to Ladysmith - An Unfinished Record of the South African War 108
Henry A. Beers From Chaucer to Tennyson 363
William Makepeace Thackeray From Cornhill to Grand Cairo 216
William Haslam From Death into Life - or, twenty years of my minstry 317
John Holladay Latane From Isolation to Leadership, Revised - A Review of American Foreign Policy 195
Edward Payson Roe From Jest to Earnest 522
John Naylor;Robert Naylor From John O'Groats to Land's End 942
Daniel Defoe From London to Land's End 117
Rudyard Kipling From Mine Own People 1159
Leon Davidovich Trotzky From October to Brest-Litovsk 112
Henry Seton Merriman From One Generation to Another 264
Jessie Laidlay Weston From Ritual to Romance 234
Bret Harte From Sand Hill to Pine 222
Henry Fielding From This World to the Next — Volume 2 156
Nathaniel Hawthorne From Twice Told Tales 306
Austin Potter From Wealth to Poverty 295
Robert Barr From Whose Bourne 124
Karl Stephen Herrman From Yauco to Las Marias - A recent campaign in Puerto Rico by the Independent Regular Brigade under the command of Brig. General Schwan 65
Samuel Hopkins Adams From a Bench in Our Square 259
Arthur Christopher Benson From a College Window 223
Lilian Bell From a Girl's Point of View 108
Marie Adelaide Belloc Lowndes From out the Vasty Deep 285
T. A. Faulkner From the Ball-Room to Hell 46
Alexander Irvine From the Bottom Up - The Life Story of Alexander Irvine 261
H. P. (Helena Petrovna) Blavatsky From the Caves and Jungles of Hindostan 328
Lucy A. (Lucy Ann) Delaney From the Darkness Cometh the Light, or Struggles for Freedom 35
Jules Verne From the Earth to the Moon; and, Round the Moon 408
George William Curtis From the Easy Chair — Volume 01 133
George Barr McCutcheon From the Housetops 454
Clinton Scollard From the Lips of the Sea 26
Stanley John Weyman From the Memoirs of a Minister of France 297
Charles King From the Ranks 224
Grace Miller White From the Valley of the Missing 426
Alphonse Daudet Fromont and Risler — Volume 1 87
Alphonse Daudet Fromont and Risler — Volume 2 90
Alphonse Daudet Fromont and Risler — Volume 3 80
Alphonse Daudet Fromont and Risler — Volume 4 71
Bret Harte Frontier Stories 506
Sarah Annie Frost Frost's Laws and By-Laws of American Society - A condensed but thorough treatise on etiquette and its usages - in America, containing plain and reliable directions for - deportment in every situation in life. 262
J. J. Thomas;James Anthony Froude Froudacity; West Indian fables 157
James Anthony Froude Froude's Essays in Literature and History - With Introduction by Hilaire Belloc 468
Charles Kingsley Froude's History of England 53
Rabindranath Tagore Fruit-Gathering 68
Émile Zola Fruitfulness 561
Various Fruits of Toil in the London Missionary Society 78

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