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Food Guide for War Service at Home - Prepared under the direction of the United States Food Administration in co-operation with the United States Department of Agriculture and the Bureau of Education, with a preface by Herbert Hoover by Florence Powdermaker;Katharine Blunt;Frances L. Swain
page 73 of 79 (92%)

Eggs as meat substitute, 35.

England.--Wheat-supply, 2; restrictions concerning bread, 25-26;
meat-supply, 29; meat restrictions, 30-31; fat shortage, 39;
sugar-supply, 44; milk regulations, 50, 54; cultivation of soil,

Fats.--Food value, 37-38; shortage in Europe, 39; resources and
exports of United States, 40-41; necessity for conservation, 41.

Feterita as wheat substitute, 20.

Fifty-fifty rule, 16-17.

Fish as meat substitute, 35.

Flour.--Manufacture of, 14-15; 74 per cent extraction allowed, 15;
consumption cut by licensing millers, 15; by fifty-fifty rule, 16-17.

Food Administration.--Takes control of wheat business, 6, 8; licenses
millers, 15; licenses bakers, 23-24; regulates sugar prices, 46-47;
aids increased use of milk, 53; achievements in year of existence, 62.

Foods.--Importance of different kinds, 10-11.

France.--Wheat-supply, 1-2; bread regulations, 26; meat-supply, 29;
meat regulations, 31-32; sugar-supply, 44; sugar restrictions, 45;
production of fruit and vegetables, 56.
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