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Dew Drops, Vol. 37, No. 08, February 22, 1914 by Various
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VOL. 37, No. 8. Weekly

David C. Cook Publishing Co., Elgin, Illinois

George E. Cook, Editor

February 22, 1914


By Julia H. Johnston

"We're all such little girls, Miss Lee. We can't do things for people.
They have to do things for us, all the time, don't you see? How can we
do much helping?"

Little Grace Mayne looked into her teacher's face with earnest eyes as
she said this. The girls in the class nodded their heads and some of
them added, "I don't see how," and "Of course we can't do anything,"
while they waited for Miss Lee to answer Gracie. The teacher had been
talking to them about doing things for others, and had tried to show
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