Grammatical Sketch of the Heve Language - Shea's Library of American Linguistics. Volume III. by Buckingham Smith
page 37 of 49 (75%)
page 37 of 49 (75%)
3, veidum, thrice, veis, 8, gos návoi, eight times, gos návos,
4, nauoi, four times, návos, 9, vesmácoi, nine times, vesmácois, 5, marqui, five times, marquis, 10, macoi, ten times, mácois. The word _Already_, de, is thus added: Gósade, Márquisade, Gosnavosade, Veisade, Vusánisade, Vesmácoisade, Navósade, Seniovusánisade, Mácoisade. ORDINALS. 56. To form these the numerals are put in the ablative with in, _tze_, which is placed afterward as the prepositions ever are. Sétze, first; góctze, second; véictze, third; návoctze, fourth; márquitze, fifth; vusánitze, sixth; seniovásanitze, seventh; gosnávoctze, eighth; vesmácoitze, ninth; mácoitze, tenth. First is also called vatzut neréntze. 58. On the third day, is expressed, Veie queco; on the fourth day, Navoe queco, etc. * * * * * THE LORD'S PRAYER. IN SPANISH AND HEVE. Nuestro Padre, que estás en el cielo. Tu nombre sea |