Grammatical Sketch of the Heve Language - Shea's Library of American Linguistics. Volume III. by Buckingham Smith
page 8 of 49 (16%)
page 8 of 49 (16%)
There has been a disposition to omit the g also, the sound of which,
as in go, if the natives had not originally, they certainly possess at present, got from the Spaniards. This should excuse its appearance here. The sound of z is strong as heard in _fits_. The vowels are sounded as in t_a_r, b_e_ar, s_i_lk, d_o_e, r_u_e. * * * * * PART II. ETYMOLOGY. SUBSTANTIVE. _Substantives_ in this language are declined without the use of articles. 2. Those which may be called _verbal_, from their origin in verbs, are much used: hiósguadauh, painting, or writing, is the passive (is painted) of the present active hiósguan, I paint. They have their times: hiósguadauh is in the present, expressing the picture I form now of the passive preterite hiósguacauh, the work I have executed, of which hiósguatzidaugh, the picture I will make, is the future passive: and when to these verbal substantives is added the particle gua, it denotes place, as, No hiósguadaubgua, the place where I paint, etc. GUA. |