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The Salmon Fishery of Penobscot Bay and River in 1895-96 by Hugh McCormick Smith
page 8 of 41 (19%)
| --- ------ --- ------ | -- --- -- --- |
Total | 193 12,474 184 13,146 | 10 189 11 199 |

*Includes accessories

| Boats and scows. | Total |
| | investment. |
| 1895 1896 | |
| --------- --------- | 1895 1896 |
| No. Value No. Value | |
| --- ----- --- ----- | ---- ---- |
Brooksville (Cape Rosier)| 3 $30 2 $20 | $450 $260 |
Bucksport | 16 270 14 238 | 781 693 |
Camden | 2 45 2 45 | 245 245 |
Castine | 5 25 4 20 | 277 221 |
Hampden | 1 12 1 12 | 38 38 |
Islesboro | 7 94 6 79 | 1,019 954 |
Lincolnville | 7 132 7 117 | 782 817 |
Matinicus and | | |
Ragged Islands | 2 75 5 195 | 1,075 2,695 |
Northport | 8 163 7 138 | 1,318 1,143 |
Orland | 25 467 32 535 | 1,131 1,423 |
Orrington | 2 11 2 11 | 168 168 |
Penobscot | 30 436 28 413 | 2,023 1,834 |
Searsport | 6 145 4 125 | 358 277 |
South Brewer | 1 6 1 6 | 111 111 |
Stockton and Prospect | 33 413 31 383 | 1,943 1,566 |
Verona | 35 1,100 36 1,110 | 3,901 3,870 |
Winterport | 10 181 11 189 | 648 666 |
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