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Mrs. Caudle's Curtain Lectures by Douglas William Jerrold
page 12 of 184 (06%)
"And now, I suppose, it will be the tavern every night? If you think
I'm going to sit up for you, Mr. Caudle, you're very much mistaken.
No: and I'm not going to get out of my warm bed to let you in,
either. No: nor Susan shan't sit up for you. No: nor you shan't
have a latchkey. I'm not going to sleep with the door upon the
latch, to be murdered before the morning.

"Faugh! Pah! Whewgh! That filthy tobacco-smoke! It's enough to
kill any decent woman. You know I hate tobacco, and yet you will do
it. YOU DON'T SMOKE YOURSELF? What of that? If you go among people
who DO smoke, you're just as bad, or worse. You might as well smoke-
-indeed, better. Better smoke yourself than come home with other
people's smoke all in your hair and whiskers.

"I never knew any good come to a man who went to a tavern. Nice
companions he picks up there! Yes! people who make it a boast to
treat their wives like slaves, and ruin their families. There's that
wretch Harry Prettyman. See what he's come to! He doesn't get home
now till two in the morning; and then in what a state! He begins
quarrelling with the door-mat, that his poor wife may be afraid to
speak to him. A mean wretch! But don't you think I'll be like Mrs.
Prettyman. No: I wouldn't put up with it from the best man that
ever trod. You'll not make me afraid to speak to you, however you
may swear at the door-mat. No, Mr. Caudle, that you won't.


"How do you know what you'll do when you get among such people? Men
can't answer for themselves when they get boozing one with another.
They never think of their poor wives, who are grieving and wearing
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