The Quest by Pío Baroja
page 1 of 296 (00%)
page 1 of 296 (00%)
BY PIO BAROJA TRANSLATED FROM THE SPANISH By ISAAC GOLDBERG CONTENTS PART ONE I Preamble--Somewhat Immoral Notions of a Boarding-House Keeper--A Balcony is Heard Closing--A Cricket Chirps II Dona Casiana's House--A Morning Ceremony--Conspiracy--Wherein is Discussed The Nutritive Value of Bones--Petra and Her Family--Manuel; his Arrival in Madrid III First Impressions of Madrid--The Boarders--Idyll--Sweet and Delightful Lessons IV Oh, Love, Love!--What's Don Telmo Doing?--Who is Don Telmo?--Wherein the Student and Don Telmo Assume Certain Novelesque Proportions PART TWO |