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1038 books found

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Author Title Pages
Padraic Colum The Golden Fleece and the Heroes Who Lived Before Achilles 269
Padraic Colum The King of Ireland's Son 226
Padraic Colum Three Plays 281
Will Levington Comfort Fate Knocks at the Door - A Novel 413
Will Levington Comfort Red Fleece 222
Harriet T. (Harriet Theresa) Comstock The Man Thou Gavest 328
Harriet T. (Harriet Theresa) Comstock The Place Beyond the Winds 351
Harriet T. (Harriet Theresa) Comstock The Shield of Silence 424
Harriet T. (Harriet Theresa) Comstock Then Marched the Brave 85
Levi Leonard Conant The Number Concept - Its Origin and Development 286
Helen Gray Cone Ride to the Lady - And Other Poems 59
Confucius The Analects of Confucius (from the Chinese Classics) 106
William Congreve Incognita; or, Love and Duty Reconcil'd 65
William Congreve Love for Love: a Comedy 165
William Congreve The Double-Dealer, a comedy 139
William Congreve The Old Bachelor: a Comedy 134
William Congreve The Way of the World 143
Hilda Conkling Poems By a Little Girl 79
H. W. (Herbert William) Conn The Story of Germ Life 171
H. W. (Herbert William) Conn The Story of the Living Machine - A Review of the Conclusions of Modern Biology in Regard - to the Mechanism Which Controls the Phenomena of Living - Activity 191
Diocese Of Connecticut Report of Commemorative Services with the Sermons and Addresses at the Seabury Centenary, 1883-1885. 193
James Brendan Connolly Wide Courses 272
Pseudonym Ralph Connor Black Rock: a Tale of the Selkirks 217
Pseudonym Ralph Connor Corporal Cameron of the North West Mounted Police; a tale of the Macleod trail 513
Pseudonym Ralph Connor Glengarry School Days: a story of early days in Glengarry 236
Pseudonym Ralph Connor The Doctor : a Tale of the Rockies 368
Pseudonym Ralph Connor The Foreigner - A Tale of Saskatchewan 362
Pseudonym Ralph Connor The Major 460
Pseudonym Ralph Connor The Man from Glengarry; a tale of the Ottawa 457
Pseudonym Ralph Connor The Patrol of the Sun Dance Trail 390
Pseudonym Ralph Connor The Prospector 410
Pseudonym Ralph Connor The Sky Pilot in No Man's Land 445
Pseudonym Ralph Connor The Sky Pilot, a Tale of the Foothills 182
Pseudonym Ralph Connor To Him That Hath: a Tale of the West of Today 328
Joan Conquest Desert Love 264
Joan Conquest Leonie of the Jungle 358
Joan Conquest The Hawk of Egypt 316
Joseph Conrad A Personal Record 143
Joseph Conrad A Set of Six 295
Joseph Conrad Almayer's Folly: a story of an Eastern river 210
Joseph Conrad Amy Foster 37
Joseph Conrad An Outcast of the Islands 363
Joseph Conrad Chance 453
Joseph Conrad Falk 95
Joseph Conrad Gaspar Ruiz 75
Joseph Conrad Heart of Darkness 111
Joseph Conrad Heart of Darkness 111
Joseph Conrad Lord Jim 376
Joseph Conrad Nostromo, a Tale of the Seaboard 572
Joseph Conrad Notes on Life and Letters 245

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